September 19, 2012

I just received word that DARK TRIUMPH ARC’s have arrived at the publisher! Yay! And eeeep! As promised, here is information on how to request one. Please note: I do not have any. And when I get some, it will be a very small amount, usually enough to give my local booksellers and to host […]

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Monthly Columns

September 10, 2012

It occurred to me that I haven’t mentioned here that I blog once a month over on Writer Unboxed. My last post talked about how finding our writing voice brings us closer to finding our personal power: Find Your Voice–Find Your Power “The act of writing is an act of courage, not because of all […]

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September 7, 2012

  The fierce look on her face is SO Sybella! Also, I just learned that I hadn’t actually mentioned it before, but the His Fair Assassin books are a trilogy, so there is a third book planned after this one. It will tell Annith’s story.

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August 30, 2012

Hello, hello! Lest you are wondering, no, I have not been the victim of one of my own political type assassinations, I have just been beyond busy getting DARK TRIUMPH ready so you can all read it as soon as possible. (It releases April 2, 2013, for those of you wondering.) I am finishing up […]

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Summer Events

July 14, 2012

Just a head’s up that I have two upcoming events I want to be sure and let you know about. I’m hugely excited about the first event because I will be appearing with three other YA authors whom I admire tremendously, but have never met: Marie Lu, Kiersten White, and Cynthia Hand! I know, right? […]

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Best. Flash Mob. EVER.

July 13, 2012

Apparently I have a thing for flash mobs. This is my new favorite.  

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Ta Da!

June 24, 2012

DARK TRIUMPH, she is done–whisked away to copy editing just in time. Of course, it will be back on my desk in two weeks and I will then need to go through it with a fine tooth comb, a pair of tweezers, and many brightly colored pens and post-its, but until then, I can call […]

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Upcoming Appearances

June 5, 2012

I’ve gotten a few emails asking me if I’d be at ALA in Anaheim and I will! Which reminded me that I hadn’t updated my upcoming appearances, so here they are! July 25, 5:00 to 8:00 pm  RWA’s  Reader’s For Life Literacy Signing in Anaheim, California (along with a ton of amazing authors!) June 23, […]

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Deleted Scene Link!

June 3, 2012

I am still jammed up with deadlines, BUT, in honor of this weeks launch of the UK edition of GRAVE MERCY, we are sharing a deleted scene from the book. You can check it out here. (Hint–it takes place at the convent, during their training.)

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Mea Culpa! And Eye Candy!

May 24, 2012

I have been absolutely slammed by this Dark Triumph deadline. It seems like the more I write, the farther away the end gets. Not sure how that’s even possible, as I believe it is in contradiction to a number of laws of physics . . . I have so much more stuff I want to […]

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