Grave Mercy Paperback and Upcoming Blog Tours

Monday, March 11

I was so busy working on Book Three that I completely let the paperback release of Grave Mercy get by me! Yikes! It’s hard to believe it’s been almost an entire year, but there it is. To celebrate, I thought I’d share some of the fun foreign covers I’ve been seeing. I think it’s interesting they all chose to keep the original cover, but it’s surprising how small changes in typography and color can make a big difference.

From the U.K.

From Germany.

And Russia!

And let’s not forget Turkey.



And, I want to give you all a head’s up that there will be a couple of fun blog tours coming up with the publication of Dark Triumph. The first one will be a ‘pre-publication’ blog tour and will feature some extra material we didn’t end up using in Grave Mercy. (For those of you who wished there had been more time spent at the convent during the assassin training, these outtakes should make you very happy.)

The second leg of the tour will be a more traditional blog tour, featuring a number of interviews and guest posts about various aspects of the books. And of course, there will be swag and giveaways, so do check back in a few days to see more details on that.

And lastly, I finally have a book page up for Dark Triumph, so those of you looking for an easy way to pre-order a copy can go here.


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